Star Catcher (II)
The newest line of My Little Pony (MLP) toys are here in Singapore - namely the 2nd set of scented ponies and well as the set of 4 ponies containing the long awaited normal sized Star Catcher!
Star Catcher (I) on the right
The first edition of Star Catcher or Star Catcher (I) did not come to Singapore, only the large color change and styling version did. Interestingly, the cartoon DVD featuring her was distributed by the departmental stores in Singapore for a limited period a few years back with each pony purchase. Star Catcher must surely be adored and coverted by many kids here.
When the pink pegasus Hidden Treasure was sold at the local TRU 2 years ago, she sold out pretty fast, considering that she did not even appear in her accompanying DVD. Maybe the kids want her in place of Star Catcher.
Her lovely backcard drawing!
Of the recent newest batch of MLPs to hit the local stores, Star Catcher (II) is the most striking and most attractive in her very white body and contrasting hair colors. Her drawing behind her box is truly gorgeous and she also has no tinsels in her hair! One thing to note though is that her head is made of a different material from her body. A Star Catcher (II) at a store was also spotted with a slight yellowed head. Hence there is a possibility that her head might discolor in the future, depending on climate and storage conditions.
Just like sisters!
As she lacks the extra 3-D designs on her forehead and legs of her predeccessor, Star Catcher (II) looks like the daughter, younger sister or less evolved version of Star Catcher (I). With her larger wings and being the first G3 pegasus, Star Catcher (I) defintely looks to be the leader or queen of the G3 Pegasus ponies, rather than Star Catcher (II).
Nonetheless, Star Catcher (II) makes a great addition to any MLP collection and she looks fantastic on her own. She is also more available to fans and collectors who missed out on Star Catcher (I). So go grab your Star Catchers (II) now before stocks run out. Her value might increase with time too, since many fans and collectors already desire her way before she came out in the stores.
Ratings for Star Catcher (II) - 3.5 out of 5 stars!